We score in four Protect your time

For every SaaS hiring manager, recruitment is a distraction. Spending hours sifting through profiles and interviewing candidates, sometimes interviewing dozens of candidates without a hire.

We are flipping the script by betting on ourselves: we send a maximum of four candidates per batch. Ensuring low volume and maximum quality. We’ve been in your shoes, we know how it feels to have interview after interview and walk away disappointed the candidate wasn’t right and your time was wasted.

With Katapult, you won’t be overwhelmed by free-text candidate feedback forms or agency recruiter pushbacks. With only four candidates to review, you can feel assured we aren’t going to waste your time.

Let’s score in four

How do we score
in four? We filter the bullsh*t 

All of our consultants have direct experience in the roles they search for, so you know you’re talking with an industry peer, not an outsider. 

We’ve sat at every seat on the hiring table, from internal to external recruiter, hiring manager, candidate, and investor. We know what talent looks like and how to filter out the bullsh*t that your internal and external partners can’t.

Kick off the collaboration

Score in four

No cure, no pay.
Step 1
Kick off the collaboration
Step 2
Source top talent
Step 3
Screen the right candidates
Step 4
Score in four together
How we find top sellers (PDF)
Let’s have
a chat

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